Gift Certificates Now Available

Gift vouchers available for Intuitive Reiki healings and all Usui Reiki training levels. Contact Rachel for further information on 0479 054 149.

Additional trainings in all Usui Reiki levels are available outside of currently listed dates. Please contact Rachel directly to organise a convenient time via details below.

With Reiki Master Rachel

Traditional Usui Reiki One Training

Some of the healing benefits of Reiki include:

• Reducing stress, anxiety and depression

• Peace of mind and body

• Restful/improved sleep 

• Relief from chronic pain 

• Supporting recovery from physical and emotional trauma

• The body’s natural healing and regenerative processes

• Increased wellbeing  

  • Spiritual growth and development

  • Increased energy levels

Reiki One is the first level of Reiki training. Join us for a day of immersion into the history, practice and energy that underpins this hands-on healing technique, and how the clearing of blocked energy can have a profound impact on your life. By the end of the day, you will be attuned to the first level of Reiki and ready to lay the foundation for your own self-healing journey.   

The Day Will Include:

  • History of Usui Reiki 

  • Usui breathing meditation practices

• Introduction to the seven major chakras

• Self-healing hand techniques

  • Self-treatment practice

• Attunement to Reiki One

• Post-attunement self-care

• Workbook

• Certificate of attainment

• Post-attunement support

• Tea, coffee and healthy snacks provided

What to bring:

• Pen and notepad

• Drink bottle

• We are within walking distance to several local cafes or will have fridges available to bring your lunch on the day.

• An open heart

Those who have been attuned previously and are looking for a refresher training are more than welcome to join us. Reiki One is the precursor to Reiki Two, which will be offered during the year. Please refer to Carpe Diem’s website for future details.

From our customers


Rachel is compassionate, thoughtful, open minded and willing to facilitate your healing journey no  matter what stage you're at. Every session I've had with Rachel has facilitated deep spiritual growth and between the first session to now my life has drastically improved due to Rachel's help. She creates the perfect sacred space to assist in your reiki healing session, ensuring you feel comfortable and safe at all times, words cannot describe how amazing and beneficial her Reiki healing sessions have been. Anyone who's looking to advance or take the first step in trying to heal themselves, Rachels your lady.

Adelaide, South Australia