Healing Journey through Chakras 8 Week Course

Healing Journey through Chakras with Victoria - 8 week course
Commences on Saturday 22nd March
Time: 1pm-3.30pm
In this 8-week transformational program based on a psychological, developmental and spiritual model, you will be guided and supported on a deeply personal healing journey of reclaiming Mind, Body and Spirit as One through the Chakras/ the Sacred Energy Centres of the Body...
You will connect to the power of your Energetic wisdom, gain personal insights, invite positive changes in to your life and discover ways to heal, evolve and transform...
During your healing journey you will:
• Share safe nurturing supportive space with others
• Develop understanding of your Energetic system
• Gain sound knowledge of Chakras in-depth, their attributes and correspondences
• Learn identify blockages and imbalances within specific Chakras
• Undertake self-reflective exercises and journaling
• Use variety of healing tools as Crystals, meditations, sound, color, affirmations and other vibrational medicines and processes to restore energy and re-balance your Chakra centres
• Integrate Mind Body and Spirit as one
• Uncover what limiting beliefs you may be holding on to that are not serving you and learn how to change them
• Practice meditation and energy transmissions
• Each week activating one Chakra
• Receive Crystal gifts
• Materials will be provided
• Certificate of completion at the end of the journey
• Develop understanding of your Energetic system
• Gain sound knowledge of Chakras in-depth, their attributes and correspondences
• Learn identify blockages and imbalances within specific Chakras
• Undertake self-reflective exercises and journaling
• Use variety of healing tools as Crystals, meditations, sound, color, affirmations and other vibrational medicines and processes to restore energy and re-balance your Chakra centres
• Integrate Mind Body and Spirit as one
• Uncover what limiting beliefs you may be holding on to that are not serving you and learn how to change them
• Practice meditation and energy transmissions
• Each week activating one Chakra
• Receive Crystal gifts
• Materials will be provided
• Certificate of completion at the end of the journey
The program will run for 8 Saturdays 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm on the following dates:
March 22nd
March 29th
April 5th
April 12th
April 19th
April 26th
May 3rd
May 10th
March 29th
April 5th
April 12th
April 19th
April 26th
May 3rd
May 10th
Investment: $ 220.00 in front or $ 30.00 weekly (Deposit of $ 30.00 required to secure your place - it covers the first session)
Limited to max 12 participants
Please contact me to book a place – phone/ text 0404 789 511 or WhatsApp
Email: vicevasol@yahoo.com
Email: vicevasol@yahoo.com
I am looking forward to sharing space with you and supporting you.