Guided Intuitive Reading with Sue Shaw

A unique and channelled ‘soul to soul’ reading connecting with your angels and guides to bring clarity, answers from within and soul guidance to help you get back on purpose.

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Holistic Tarot Readings with Carolyn

Tarot Readings with Carolyn: Be Inspired, Find your Answers on Relationships, Love, Career, Money. Carolyn combines Tarot with Astrology as these two modalities compliment each other perfectly for accurate results!

View Carolyn's Page

Card Reading with Frances

Frances has been reading tarot cards intuitively for many years, as well as being interested in metaphysics, ancient mythology and sacred symbolism for over 30 years. Drawing upon her depth of knowledge in these areas for oracle and tarot card readings.

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Dianne - Clairvoyant Readings

I have been involved with the spiritual awakening movement for 20 plus years, being a witness to the changes and evolution of my clients, from the caterpillar into a skilled butterfly. Psychic and Clairvoyant information is channelled from Team Spirit with Divine Grace.

View Dianne's Page