Incense Fragrances and their Uses

Aug 25, 2016

Incense Properties

We stock a large range of Incense in our store Carpe Diem with Remi.

Incense aligns the area in which it is burned with ambiance and is a beautiful mood setter, raising the energy to desired levels. Use incense when meditating to achieve focus, calm and to tune in with higher energies e.g. Angels and Guides. Incense may be used when cleansing spaces to purify the area. Each blend or flavor of incense has a specific use.

Here are some common uses for specific incenses:

Amber - Knowledge and Study, Meditation and use to delve back into the past.
Cedarwood - Power and use when you need strength.
Cinnamon - Passion, aphrodisiac, raises energy to high Frankincense - Calm and peace. Relieves stress and anxiety. Ends conflicts and arguments, re-establishing a friendship that has ended due to conflicts, brings peace and resolution to warring factions. Alleviates tense situations. Use when meditating and for ritual work.
Dragons Blood - Use in rituals involving love, protection and exorcism. Burn for consecration, protection and good luck. Courage
Frangipani - Psychic work and restores peace and harmony with its soothing vibrations.
Frankincense - Releases powerful positive vibrations and drives away negativity. Use for purification, spiritual growth, meditation. Anxiety and depression. Use to bless a new home, room addition or new member to a family including a baby.
Frankincense and Myrrh - powerful combination that is used for spirituality, healing, protection
Ginger - Desire, base chakra energy.
Green Tea -Money, courage and strength.
Jasmine - Love, inner beauty, happiness and peace, promotes friendship. Used in love and wealth rituals. An aphrodisiac.
Lavender - Spiritual Healing, tranquillity, higher consciousness, releases energy blockages, eases tension especially headaches. Promotes sleep and peacefulness.
Lemongrass -Enhances psychic abilities.
Lotus - Mental clarity, increased focus, heightened intelligence. Ideal for meditation.
Musk - Restores balance, re-aligns one’s energies, protects, removes negativity, stimulates self confidence, enhances determination.
Myrrh - Heavenly attributes used to elevate one’s spiritual consciousness. Purifies and amplifies intentions. Was used in the temple of Isis. Meditation and contemplation. Banishes negativity, protects and releases. Use while reading tarot cards or scrying to enhance your natural intuition.
Nag Champa - Nag Champa is a sacred incense used to purify or sanctify an area. Use for all things spiritual eg meditation, seeking spiritual enlightenment, preparing a room for spiritual group work.
Neroli - Beauty, luck, fidelity and attracts romance and love. Increases sexual magnetism. Peace
Opium - Dreams, sleep, use when you want to have prophetic dreams.
Patchouli - Happiness and joy bringer. Use in love, money and prosperity rituals. Use as a fertility talisman. Courage. Luck.
Rose - Love and desire, use when wanting to attract or keep love around you. Use in love, luck, grief and healing rituals. Peace.
Rosemary - Emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations. One of the oldest incenses. Use in love, healing and mental rituals. Stimulates memory and clarity.
Sandalwood - Purifies, sanctifies any area and creates a sacred space when used. Spiritual awareness, meditation, psychic development.
Strawberry - Love and luck
Vanilla - Mental thought, intelligence, mental ability. Use when studying.
Vetivert - Burn to break curses, protects from sorcery and anyone who wishes you ill.
White Sage - Use to purify and protect objects, places and people. Use when reading cards or oracles to enhance intuition.
Ylang Ylang - Soothes anger that comes from frustration. Also used to treat depression and other stress related disorders.
We specialize in Incense and always burn 2 fragrances together before opening the doors to the store in the mornings, to set the energy for the day.